Friday, May 1, 2009

First Day of May

May has began with leftover showers from April. We had a taste of summer with 80-90 degree temperatures last week. Mother Nature seems to be confused with the seasons since we have had such a combination of cold and then hot and then warm days all jumbled together. But that may be just an "Ohio" weather thing!

We have some lovely flowers blooming and plants are growing taller everyday. Grass is growing at full speed because of the cold nights and the hot days of the past week. We have enjoyed the daffodils, tulips and other spring bulbs. The crab apple trees, lilac bush, and viburnums are now in full bloom. The fragrance of the viburnums wafts through the yard and floats through the open windows and fills the rooms with sweetness. If you get up close to the screen, maybe you will catch the aroma of the viburnum from the picture.

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